Grinding your teeth from stress, a jaw injury or alignment issues can cause a world of problems, including teeth and jaw damage — and intense pain. A night guard is one solution that can help. To see what can be done in your situation, contact Capri Modern Dentistry San Diego now at 858-679-8918 for
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You may not know that your tongue print is as unique as your fingerprint – but just be glad we know about the fingerprint thing or they’d be inking up your tongue down at the precinct if you were ever accused of a crime. Make sure your teeth, gums and tongue are healthy by calling
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In Iowa in 1866, Lucy Beaman Hobbs because the first woman in the United States to be licensed as a dentist – after first being denied the chance to go to dental school and eventually being mostly privately tutored. Dr. Taís Trevelin (Lowry) knows she’s following in a proud and hard-fought tradition and wants to serve
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It really sounds impractical to have your teeth on your tongue, yet it works out perfectly for slugs, which are designed that way for a reason, we suppose. If you’re concerned that something in your mouth isn’t as it should be, don’t be a slug – instead, call Capri Modern Dentistry San Diego at (619)
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It’s true: Teeth start to form in the womb, which might make some women think twice about getting pregnant – but more importantly, it’s a fact that will make you want to stay healthy during pregnancy so your child has great teeth you can be proud of. For a free oral health consultation during pregnancy
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Citric acid can damage your teeth, leading to cavities in an otherwise healthy mouth – and expensive dental bills for restorations you might not have needed otherwise. So brush and floss after eating lemons or lemon juice – or anything else – and call Dr. Taís Trevelin (Lowry) and Capri Modern Dentistry San Diego at (619)
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While tooth decay is the most common disease in children, it’s largely preventable – even though genetics play a role as well. Keep your child from becoming a statistic by showing them how to brush, floss and use mouthwash, and for a free dental consultation to see if your efforts are working, call Capri Modern
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