Show off whatever you have – in this case, beautiful teeth and a stick full of watermelon, some freckles, a brown frilly shirt and a blue wall. If you’re not this confident in the amazingness of your teeth, we can help get your mouth healthy and your teeth looking great. It starts with contacting Capri
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Our preferred method is to squeeze the toothpaste from the end, then roll when it’s nearly empty to get every last tooth-polishing bit. However you get the stuff out, brushing your teeth can save them from decay and prevent gum disease too. Contact Capri Modern Dentistry in San Diego for a free oral health consultation
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OK, you probably don’t need quite that much toothpaste when you brush, but you desperately need to remember to brush and floss at least twice a day – and preferably after every meal – for great lifetime dental health. To see how you’re doing with your oral health routine, let us discuss it with you
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Whether you use an electric toothbrush or the old-fashioned kind, frequent replacement means bristles that clean better and means that you to throw away any bacteria, germs and gunk that isn’t washing away – so change your toothbrush when the seasons change and you’ll always remember. No matter what brush you use, contact Capri Modern
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Have you ever bought a perfectly ripe avocado and then found out it was actually perfectly rotten inside? Tooth decay can start from the inside and work its way out, and we can’t see it if we don’t take safe, low-radiation digital x-rays. Skipping them is a rotten thing to do. For a free oral
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You could have dental disease and not know about it until… your teeth decay, your gums start to bleed, your breath starts to smell – or until you visit a dental office for a free consultation and see where you stand. For an honest free oral health consultation and advice on what to do next,
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That’s great, isn’t it? Truly though, beautiful teeth can help you look and feel better – plus, they’re a sign of excellent overall health. So eat right, sleep more, commute less, be more grateful and get your dental health under control. Call Capri Modern Dentistry in San Diego at 858-679-8918 for a FREE oral
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We see you as a whole person, not just some teeth and gums – so we consider how your dental and oral health are impacted by and cause impact to your overall health and health conditions. So we’ll call you by name, not “6 cavities and a cracked molar”. Let us tell you about holistic
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The point of this graphic is to remind you to brush, floss and generally take care of your teeth – even if those are sugar cubes and a paper plate. We have real dental tools for your real teeth when you come in for a free oral health consultation with us at Capri Modern Dentistry
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When you check your lipstick, check your teeth too – and you may find that ugly, annoying and decay-causing food particles are stuck all in your mouth. Ew! But you can clear some of them away with a dental pick, then clean the rest away with floss and a toothbrush later. See how you’re doing
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