Your child faces dangers around the water, including the possibility of a chipped tooth or other oral damage. It’s more likely than a shark attack. Prevent injuries by being attentive; get pro help for injuries that do happen for the best chance of a full recovery. For emergency treatment or a FREE non-emergency oral health
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Bananas contain all kinds of things that are good for you and your teeth – like potassium, manganese and lots of vitamins. And they contain a substance that can decrease sensitivity too. Plus, they satisfy a sweet tooth without sticking to teeth. So let’s hear it for good ol’ bananas. Learn more about stopping sensitivity
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If your teeth are sensitive to hot, cold, sweet or sour, avoid the triggers, get a soft toothbrush and use a sensitivity toothpaste. You’ll feel so much better. And we can help too. Sensitivity can be a sign of dental decay and gum health issues. See if that’s your problem during your free oral health
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Alcohol is bad for you, and tobacco is worse. It’s that simple. In addition to lung cancer, COPD and other fatal conditions, tobacco usage causes larynx cancer, mouth cancer and other serious health concerns. Stop using and get checked. For your free oral health assessment, call us now at Capri Modern Dentistry in San Diego,
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Teeth are happiest and healthiest when they’re being treated well – and brushing, flossing and going to the dentists are the most important components of proper teeth treatment. Oh, and don’t chew ice. Or eat really sticky foods. Things like that. Learn more about where you stand with tooth happiness during your free consultation with
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This is an actual image of the tooth fairy captured in the imagination of a 5-year-old boy just a few short years ago. Unfortunately, he was soon to learn that his crooked, damaged permanent teeth would need professional dental attention to look great. If your teeth need intervention too, contact Capri Modern Dentistry San Diego
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The result is amazing for your dental and oral health. Mr. Floss might seem like he’s getting in the way of a perfect marriage, but he’s an essential part of a healthy mouth too. (Don’t read any relationship advice into this post, please.) Learn how your teeth are doing and how they can be better
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Help keep your teeth and gums healthy and flawless by brushing, flossing and getting regular checkups. If your chompers aren’t so flawless now, there are gentle, effective treatments and cosmetic procedures that can make your teeth look and feel better. Learn more by calling Capri Modern Dentistry in San Diego at 858-679-8918 for your
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It’s no fun getting ready in the cold, but that doesn’t mean you should neglect your oral health routine, which should include flossing, brush and regular checkups at a gentle dental clinic. Baby, it may be cold outside, but your teeth need you! Learn how your teeth and mouth are doing during your free oral
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Junk food is, well, junk. It rots your teeth and damages your body in a lot of other ways too. You’ll feel better if you push aside junk foods for 21 days – so much better that perhaps you’ll never go back to eating all that bad stuff. And your teeth will thank you! See
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